A-Poligreen is the result of the partnership between our know- how technology and the innovative capacity of Salchi Metalcoat, which has produced Biomoco®, the sustainable and “smart” paint generated from raw materials from renewable sources.

A-Poligreen is able to guarantee technical characteristics consistent with polyester paints on the market today: good flexibility, good outdoor resistance (RUV3) and excellent ratio cost/performance.

Thanks to these peculiarities, it is a type of coating that can be used for both industrial and architectural purposes.

  • Support: aluminium, steel
  • Applications: outdoor, indoor

Technical features

Thickness22 - 28EN 13523-1 (ECCA T1)
Gloss*EN 13523-2 (ECCA T2)
Pencil hardnessF - HEN 13523-4 (ECCA T4)
Adhesion on impact100%EN 13523-5 (ECCA T5)
Adhesion on forming100%EN 13523-6 (ECCA T6)
T.B. Adherence at 25° C0T - 1T**EN 13523-7 (ECCA T7)
T.B. Cracking at 25° C0T - 2,5T**EN 13523-7 (ECCA T7)
MEK> 100EN 13523-11 (ECCA T11)
* according to the characteristics of the support
1 (opaque)0 - 30+/- 5 units
2 (semi-opaque or semi-opaque)31 - 70+/-7 units
3 (glossy)71 - 100+/- 10 units

2 degreasings + chrome-free passivation

PRIMER: 4 - 6 microns
TOP COAT: polyester 18 - 22 microns

BACK COAT: foamable 4 - 6 microns
or BACK COAT: matching colour 12 - 14 microns

Coating used: compliant with RoHS directive


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